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vol.22 número70Un granito de sal... Su circulación y consumo en la Costa Chica de GuerreroLa expresión cultural de una cosa: el juguete popular índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Nueva antropología

versão impressa ISSN 0185-0636


GONZALEZ VILLARRUEL, Alejandro A.. Poder y ensamble de culturas en la Cadena Agroindustrial del Limón. Nueva antropol [online]. 2009, vol.22, n.70, pp.87-113. ISSN 0185-0636.

This article focuses on the complex interrelation between power and culture in the agroindustrial chain of production of limes in Colima, Mexico. Our research describes the respective phases of material and cultural production. We used political culture theory as a means to understand the way in which every social actor relates to power and culture. This relationship is used by the actors to separate the good from the bad, the possible from the impossible, the desirable from the hateful, among other signs and symbols. Finally, we created a model that explains the operative combination of power and culture.

Palavras-chave : culture; power; production.

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