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Mercados y negocios

versión On-line ISSN 2594-0163versión impresa ISSN 1665-7039

Merc. negocios vol.25 no.51 Zapopan ene./abr. 2024  Epub 01-Mar-2024 

Financial and economic indicators

Financial and economic indicators

Sensitivity analysis and finances

Juan Gaytán Cortés1 

1Universidad de Guadalajara (México)

The financial projections used in decision-making are associated with a degree of uncertainty regarding the correct choice of the hypotheses used or the certainty of the value of the variables, which is why it is necessary to place ourselves in several scenarios, in which the hypotheses and the value of the variables over which we have less control and which in turn have the greatest impact on the results must be varied. expected results. The above process is known as Sensitivity Analysis.

Purpose of sensitivity analysis: it consists of improving the quality of the information used so that the decision maker has additional tools that allow them to achieve better results and generate greater competitive advantages.

Sensitivity Analysis, also called Post-Optimization Analysis, also consists of determining how sensitive the optimal solution is to the change of some of the data or parameters, keeping the rest fixed (John & Faulín, 2023).

Intangible and intangible financial modeling, sensitivity analysis consists of analyzing how the different economic values of a set of independent variables affect a specific dependent variable, as well as knowing how it will respond, among the different economic scenarios.

In finance, sensitivity analysis is used to model the performance outcome of changes in interest rates, and asset prices, as well as changes in demand, in the formation of investment portfolios and the mix of their assets. Also, changes in systemic or market risk, unsystematic risk, as well as the change in the variables associated with different investment strategies.

Sensitivity analysis is the procedure by which it is possible to determine how much the objective function (IRR or NPV) is affected or how sensitive it is to changes in certain variables of the investment, considering that the others do not change. (Baca, 2022; Morales & Morales, 2009).

Forms of study of sensitivity: according to research conducted by John and Faulín (2023).

The first is to solve the entire problem again every time some of the original data has been modified. This method can take a long time to determine all the variants when we are faced with a large set of possible changes.

The second way is that once a problem has been solved, we proceed to analyze how the optimal result obtained would be affected by the variation within a "tolerable" range, of the value of one of the variables, keeping the value of the remaining variables fixed.

If the effects of varying more than one parameter (or a parameter beyond the “tolerance range”) are studied, the problem must be reprogrammed.

Methods to study sensitivity: to obtain a measure of the variability in the results according to the research of Tejeda and others (2015) and Pérez and others (2012), the following methods can be mentioned:

Informal method: the analyst assesses the stability of the variables.

Decision tree: Future decision points and possible uncertain events are displayed; in which case each alternative is presented as a branch of the tree.

Monte Carlo model: links sensitivities and probability distributions of input variables. An uncertainty analysis allows you to quantitatively assess the variability of the model components for a specific situation and deduce an uncertainty distribution for each state or output variable of the model (Monod et al., 2006). Generally, this analysis is carried out using Monte Carlo simulation (Saltelli et al., 2008).

Dupont Method: measures the company's profitability about sales, and total asset turnover, which indicates how efficiently assets have been used to generate sales.

Software and sensitivity: there are different software’s on the market, among them we can mention the following: @RISK, Managerial Analyzer Delfos Pro, Oracle Crystal Ball, EasyPlanEx, RealiaSoft RENO, MultiPlanEx, these softwares perform financial analysis, investment projection, as well as the financial sensitivity analysis.

Economic and financial indicators are useful tools that benefit organizations by facilitating timely and appropriate decision-making in relation to their corporate and financial strategies.

Next, the evolution of some economic and financial indicators of the Mexican environment is described and shown to facilitate decision-making related to personal and business strategies in an integral manner.

  1. National Consumer Price Index (INPC, Spanish)

  2. The Price and Quotation Index of the Mexican Stock Exchange (IPC, Spanish)

  3. Exchange rate

  4. Equilibrium interbank interest rate (TIIE, Spanish)

  5. CETES rate of return

  6. Investment units (UDIS, Spanish)


Born in 1995 and reflecting changes in consumer prices, it measures the general increase in prices in the country. It is calculated fortnightly by the Bank of Mexico and INEGI (2021). INPC is published in the Official Gazette of the Federation on the 10th and 25th of each month. The reference period is the second half of December 2010.

Table 1 Accumulated inflation in the year (Base: 2nd. Fortnight of December 2010 = 100 with data provided by Banco de México) 

Periodo 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Enero 1.48 0.77 0.98 0.79 0.90 -0.09 0.38 1.70 0.53 0.09 0.48 0.86 0.59 0.76
Febrero 2.15 1.42 1.47 1.46 1.15 0.09 0.82 2.29 0.91 0.06 0.90 1.50 1.43 1.24
Marzo 2.52 1.84 1.55 1.99 1.43 0.51 0.97 2.92 1.24 0.44 0.85 2.34 2.43 1.51
Abril 1.98 0.72 0.69 1.81 1.24 0.25 0.65 3.04 0.90 0.50 -0.17 2.67 2.98 1.47
Mayo 0.60 -0.70 -0.65 0.95 0.91 -0.26 0.20 2.92 0.73 0.21 0.22 2.88 3.17 1.27
Junio 0.49 -0.41 -0.41 1.12 1.09 -0.09 0.31 3.18 1.12 0.27 0.76 3.43 4.04 1.37
Julio 0.56 -0.04 0.32 1.14 1.42 0.06 0.57 3.57 1.66 0.65 1.43 4.04 4.81 1.86
Agosto 0.91 0.30 0.92 1.31 1.73 0.27 0.86 4.08 2.26 0.63 1.82 4.24 5.54 2.42
Septiembre 1.27 0.73 1.12 1.61 2.18 0.27 1.47 4.41 2.69 0.89 2.06 4.88 6.19 2.88
Octubre 2.35 2.33 2.12 2.77 2.74 1.16 2.09 5.06 3.22 1.44 2.68 5.76 6.79 3.27
Noviembre 3.89 4.87 3.86 4.57 3.57 1.71 2.89 6.15 4.10 2.26 2.76 6.97 7.41 3.93
Diciembre 4.19 5.81 3.97 5.21 4.08 2.13 3.36 6.77 4.83 2.83 3.15 7.35 7.82 4.6

Source: Own elaboration (INEGI, 2024). Route: Indicadores económicos de coyuntura > Índices de precios > Índice nacional de precios al consumidor. Base segunda quincena de julio de 2018=100 > Mensual > Índice > Índice general

Source: Own elaboration (INEGI, 2024). Route: Indicadores económicos de coyuntura > Índices de precios >Índice nacional de precios al consumidor. Base segunda quincena de julio de 2018=100 > Mensual > Índice > Índice general

Graph 1 Inflation in Mexico (2010-2023 accumulated at the end of the year)  

Source: Own elaboration (INEGI, 2024). Route: Indicadores económicos de coyuntura > Índices de precios > Índice nacional de precios al consumidor. Base segunda quincena de julio de 2018=100 > Mensual > Índice > Índice general

Graph 2 Inflation in Mexico (accumulated January-August 2023)  


Represents the change in the values traded on the Mexican Stock Exchange concerning the previous day to determine the percentage of rising or falling of the most representative shares of the companies listed therein.

Table 2 The Price and Quotation Index of the Mexican Stock Exchange (Base: October 1978, 0.78=100)  

2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
36,982 37,422 45,278 40,879 40,951 43,631 47,001 50,456 43,988 44,862 42,986 51,331 54,564
37,020 37,816 44,121 38,783 44,190 43,715 46,857 47,438 42,824 41,324 44,593 53,401 52,758
37,441 39,521 44,077 40,462 43,725 45,881 48,542 46,125 43,281 34,554 47,246 56,537 53,904
36,963 39,461 42,263 40,712 44,582 45,785 49,261 48,354 44,597 36,470 48,010 51,418 55,121
35,833 37,872 41,588 41,363 44,704 45,459 48,788 44,663 42,749 36,122 50,886 51,753 52.736
36,558 40,199 40,623 42,737 45,054 45,966 49,857 47,663 43,161 37,716 50,290 47,524 53.526
35,999 40,704 40,838 43,818 44,753 46,661 51,012 49,698 40,863 37,020 50,868 48,144 54.819
35,721 39,422 39,492 45,628 43,722 47,541 51,210 49,548 42,623 36,841 53,305 44,919 53.021
33,503 40,867 40,185 44,986 42,633 47,246 50,346 49,504 43,011 37,459 51,386 44,627 50,875
36,160 41,620 41,039 45,028 44,543 48,009 48,626 43,943 43,337 36,988 51,310 49,922 49,062
36,829 41,834 42,499 44,190 43,419 45,286 47,092 41,733 42,820 41,779 49,699 51,685 54,060
37,077 43,706 42,727 43,146 42,998 45,643 49,354 41,640 43,541 44,067 53,272 48,464 57,386

Source: Own elaboration (BANXICO, 2024).

Graph 3 The Price and Quotation Index of the Mexican Stock Exchange, 2011 - 2023 (Score at the end of each year)  

Source: Own elaboration (BANXICO, 2024).

Graph 4 The Price and Quotation Index of the Mexican Stock Exchange, January-December 2023 (Score at the end of each month)  


It is the value of the Mexican peso concerning the dollar calculated with the daily average of the five most important banks in the country, which reflects the spot price (cash), negotiated between banks. It is highly related to Inflation, the interest rate, and the Mexican Stock Exchange.

Table 3 Exchange rate (National currency per US dollar, parity at the end of each period)  

Period 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
January 12.02 12.95 12.71 13.37 14.69 18.45 21.02 18.62 19.04 18.91 20.22 20.74 18.79
February 12.17 12.87 12.87 13.30 14.92 18.17 19.83 18.65 19.26 19.78 20.94 20.65 18.40
March 11.97 12.80 12.36 13.08 15.15 17.40 18.81 18.33 19.38 23.48 20.44 19.99 18.11
April 11.59 13.20 12.16 13.14 15.22 19.40 19.11 18.86 19.01 23.93 20.18 20.57 18.07
May 11.63 13.91 12.63 12.87 15.36 18.45 18.51 19.75 19.64 22.18 19.92 19.69 17.56
June 11.84 13.66 13.19 13.03 15.57 18.91 17.90 20.06 19.21 23.09 19.91 20.13 17.07
July 11.65 13.28 12.73 13.06 16.21 18.86 17.69 18.55 19.99 22.20 19.85 20.34 16.73
August 12.41 13.27 13.25 13.08 16.89 18.58 17.88 19.07 20.07 21.89 20.06 20.09 16.84
September 13.42 12.92 13.01 13.45 17.01 19.50 18.13 18.90 19.68 22.14 20.56 20.09 17.62
October 13.20 13.09 12.89 13.42 16.45 18.84 19.15 19.80 19.16 21.25 20.53 19.82 18.08
November 14.03 13.04 13.09 13.72 16.55 20.55 18.58 20.41 19.61 20.14 21.45 19.40 17.14
December 13.99 13.01 13.08 14.72 17.21 20.73 19.79 19.68 18.87 19.91 20.47 19.47 16.89

NOTE: Exchange rate FIX by The Banco de México, used for settling obligations denominated in foreign currency. Quote at the end

Source: Own elaboration (BANXICO, 2024).

Source: Own elaboration (BANXICO, 2024).

Graph 5 Exchange rate (National currency per US dollar, 2011-2023, FIX parity at the end of each year)  

Source: Own elaboration (BANXICO, 2024). nsultarCuadro&idCuadro=CF102&locale=es

Graph 6 Exchange rate (National currency per US dollar, January-December 2023, FIX parity at the end of each month)  


On March 23, 1995, the Bank of Mexico, to establish an interbank interest rate that better reflects market conditions, released the Interbank Equilibrium Interest Rate through the Official Gazette of the Federation.

Table 4 Equilibrium interbank interest rate (28-day quote)  

Periodo 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Enero 4.91 4.86 4.79 4.84 3.78 3.29 3.56 6.15 7.66 8.59 7.50 4.47 5.72 10.78
Febrero 4.92 4.84 4.78 4.80 3.79 3.29 4.05 6.61 7.83 8.54 7.29 4.36 6.02 11.10
Marzo 4.92 4.84 4.77 4.35 3.81 3.30 4.07 6.68 7.85 8.51 6.74 4.28 6.33 11.34
Abril 4.94 4.85 4.75 4.33 3.80 3.30 4.07 6.89 7.85 8.50 6.25 4.28 6.73 11.53
Mayo 4.94 4.85 4.76 4.30 3.79 3.30 4.10 7.15 7.86 8.51 5.74 4.29 7.01 11.54
Junio 4.94 4.85 4.77 4.31 3.31 3.30 4.11 7.36 8.10 8.49 5.28 4.32 7.42 11.50
Julio 4.92 4.82 4.78 4.32 3.31 3.31 4.59 7.38 8.11 8.47 5.19 4.52 8.04 11.50
Agosto 4.90 4.81 4.79 4.30 3.30 3.33 4.60 7.38 8.10 8.26 4.76 4.65 8.50 11.50
Septiembre 4.90 4.78 4.81 4.03 3.29 3.33 4.67 7.38 8.12 8.04 4.55 4.75 8.89 11.50
Octubre 4.87 4.79 4.83 3.78 3.28 3.30 5.11 7.38 8.15 7.97 4.51 4.98 9.56 11.50
Noviembre 4.87 4.80 4.85 3.80 3.31 3.32 5.57 7.39 8.34 7.78 4.48 5.13 10.00 11.50
Diciembre 4.89 4.79 4.85 3.79 3.31 3.55 6.11 7.62 8.60 7.55 4.49 5.72 10.53 11.50

Source: Own elaboration (BANXICO, 2024).

Source: Own elaboration (BANXICO, 2024). onsultarCuadro&idCuadro=CF101&locale=es

Graph 7 Equilibrium interbank interest rate, 2010- 2023 (at the end of each year)  

Source: Own elaboration (BANXICO, 2024).

Graph 8 Equilibrium interbank interest rate, January-December 2023 (28-day quote)  


Table 5 CETES rate of return (28-day)  

Period 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
January 4.49 4.14 4.27 4.15 3.14 2.67 3.08 5.83 7.25 7.95 7.04 4.22 5.50 10.80
February 4.49 4.04 4.32 4.19 3.16 2.81 3.36 6.06 7.40 7.93 6.91 4.02 5.94 11.04
March 4.45 4.27 4.24 3.98 3.17 3.04 3.80 6.32 7.47 8.02 6.59 4.08 6.52 11.34
April 4.44 4.28 4.29 3.82 3.23 2.97 3.74 6.50 7.46 7.78 5.84 4.06 6.68 11.27
May 4.52 4.31 4.39 3.72 3.28 2.98 3.81 6.56 7.51 8.07 5.38 4.07 6.90 11.25
June 4.59 4.37 4.34 3.78 3.02 2.96 3.81 6.82 7.64 8.18 4.85 4.03 7.56 11.02
July 4.60 4.14 4.15 3.85 2.83 2.99 4.21 6.99 7.73 8.15 4.63 4.35 8.05 11.09
August 4.52 4.05 4.13 3.84 2.77 3.04 4.24 6.94 7.73 7.87 4.50 4.49 8.35 11.07
Sep. 4.43 4.23 4.17 3.64 2.83 3.10 4.28 6.99 7.69 7.61 4.25 4.69 9.25 11.05
Oct. 4.03 4.36 4.21 3.39 2.90 3.02 4.69 7.03 7.69 7.62 4.22 4.93 9.00 11.26
Nov. 3.97 4.35 4.23 3.39 2.85 3.02 5.15 7.02 7.83 7.46 4.28 5.05 9.70 11.78
Dec. 4.30 4.34 4.05 3.29 2.81 3.14 5.61 7.17 8.02 7.25 4.24 5.49 10.10 11.26

Source: Own elaboration (BANXICO, 2024).

Source: Own elaboration (BANXICO, 2024).

Graph 9 CETES rate of return 2010- 2023 (at the end of each year) 

Source: Own elaboration (BANXICO, 2024).

Graph 10 CETES rate of return, January-December 2024 (at the end of each month)  


The UDI is a unit of account of constant real value to denominate credit titles. It does not apply to checks, commercial contracts, or other acts of commerce.

Table 6 Investment units (value concerning pesos)  

Period 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
January 4.37 4.56 4.73 4.89 5.10 5.29 5.41 5.62 5.97 6.25 6.44 6.64 7.12 7.69
February 4.41 4.57 4.75 4.92 5.13 5.29 5.43 5.69 6.00 6.25 6.46 6.70 7.18 7.74
March 4.44 4.59 4.75 4.94 5.15 5.30 5.44 5.71 6.02 6.26 6.49 6.75 7.24 7.77
April 4.46 4.59 4.75 4.97 5.15 5.32 5.45 5.75 6.03 6.28 6.43 6.79 7.31 7.78
May 4.43 4.58 4.71 4.96 5.13 5.29 5.42 5.75 6.01 6.27 6.42 6.81 7.33 7,78
June 4.41 4.55 4.74 4.95 5.13 5.28 5.42 5.75 6.01 6.26 6.44 6.83 7.36 7.77
July 4.42 4.57 4.77 4.95 5.14 5.28 5.42 5.76 6.04 6.27 6.49 6.87 7.43 7.79
August 4.43 4.58 4.78 4.95 5.16 5.29 5.44 5.79 6.07 6.29 6.52 6.90 7.47 7.83
September 4.44 4.59 4.80 4.97 5.18 5.31 5.45 5.82 6.11 6.29 6.55 6.92 7.53 7.87
October 4.47 4.61 4.83 4.99 5.20 5.33 5.49 5.84 6.13 6.31 6.57 6.97 7.57 7.90
November 4.50 4.64 4.85 5.02 5.23 5.36 5.53 5.89 6.17 6.35 6.60 7.04 7.62 7.94
December 4.53 4.69 4.87 5.06 5.27 5.38 5.56 5.93 6.23 6.39 6.61 7.11 7.65 7.98

Source: Own elaboration (BANXICO, 2024).

Source: Own elaboration (BANXICO, 2024).

Graph 11 Investment units 2010-2023 (At the end of the year)  

In these uncertain times, it is very important to apply the best mathematical models to carry out the appropriate analyzes that offer us the necessary information to make business decisions related, among others, to investment, opportunity costs, market share, sales forecasts, plans business, business valuation or risk assessment.


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