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vol.21 número42El Monitor Republicano, un bastión obregonista en la coyuntura electoral de 1920El bracero, ¿héroe o paria? Su representación mediática, 1942-1964 índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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versión impresa ISSN 1665-4420


CASTILLO RAMIREZ, Guillermo. The cultural change as indigenist program: Gamio and the Interamerican Indigenist Institute (1942-1948). Sig. his [online]. 2019, vol.21, n.42, pp.146-179.  Epub 03-Ago-2020. ISSN 1665-4420.

Within the historical framework of 1940s Mexico, based on the analysis of different official documents, particularly of Consideraciones Sobre el Problema Indígena, this paper argues that the cultural change was the ideology, work program and the main actions of the Inter-American Indian Institute. First, this article discusses the foundation of the Institute (1942) and the context in which Consideraciones (1948) was produced. Then, it explores the role that Anthropology play in Mexican and Inter-American indigenism. Finally, it analyses the processes of socio-cultural change (modernization) proposed by the Institute as its main purpose. Within the frame of the relationship between the State and anthropology, one of the contribution of this article is to show the role played by “modernization” (as forcibly induced cultural changes) within the program of the Institute and its indigenist policies.

Palabras llave : indigenism; Mexican anthropology; ethnic group; otherness; politics.

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