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Revista mexicana de física

versión impresa ISSN 0035-001X

Rev. mex. fis. vol.66 no.6 México nov./dic. 2020  Epub 31-Ene-2022 


Material Sciences

Structural, electronic, and optical properties of quaternary alloys Al0.50Ga0.50NxSb1-x: a first-principles study

M. Berbera  b 

N. Bouzouiraa  c 

M. Mebreka  b 

A. Boudalid 

H. Abide 

H. Moujrie 

aCentre Universitaire Nour Bachir El Bayadh, 32000 El Bayadh, Algérie e-mail:

bLaboratoire d’Instrumentation et Matériaux Avancés, Centre Universitaire Nour Bachir El-Bayadh, BP 900 route Aflou, 32000, Algérie

cLaboratory of Physical Chemistry of Advanced Materials, University of Djillali Liabes, BP 89, Sidi-Bel-Abbes 22000, Algeria.

dLaboratory of Physico-chemical Studies, University of Saida, Algeria.

eApplied Materials Laboratory, Research Center, Sidi Bel Abbµes Djillali Liabes University, 22000, Algeria


In this study, we have employed the first-principle methods based on density functional theory to investigate the structural, electronic, and optical properties of Al0.50Ga0.50NxSb1-x in zincblende structure. The exchange and correlation potential is described by the generalized gradient approximation of Perdew, Burke, and Ernzerhof (GGA-PBEsol) coupled with TB-mBJ approaches. The studied structures show that all structures are semiconductors and have a direct bandgap except Al0.50Ga0.50N0.25Sb0.75, which has a semi-metallic behavior. The optical properties such as refractive index, extinction coefficient, and optical conductivity are discussed in detail. Our result shows these materials are considered as promising materials for optoelectronic applications in the visible and infrared region. To our knowledge, this is the first time that a study has been done on this alloy, and we would like it to serve as a reference for the next studies.

Keywords: First-principles computation; GGA-PBEsol approximation; TB-mBJ; optical properties

PACS: 71.15.Mb; 71.20.-b; 74.25.Gz; 78.20.Ci


The admixture of various chemical elements such as group III-V and group II-VI is used to control different physical properties of semiconductors, primarily the lattice constant, the amplitude of the bandgap, and, consequently, the optoelectronic properties, to fulfill the requirement for a specific function of semiconductor compounds. Such possibilities are reached thanks to the development of ternary alloys, but the researchers want to refine and expand their applications, thanks to the development of ternary alloys such perspectives are achieved, but the researchers want to refine and extend their applications, this perspective has been realized by the formation of four elements (quaternary alloy). The ability of quaternary alloys formation accesses further research lines and performs an improved technique to better change distinct semiconductor physical properties. Group IIIA-VA semiconductors including GaAs, AlP, GaN, GaSb, InP, InAs, and InSb are popular binary alloys for microelectronic and optoelectronic use. The application of quaternary layers based on these binary alloys to the material design again gives greater versatility to adjust the band distance and band offsets of matched InP or GaAs lattice heterostructures 1-4. Many theoretical and experimental studies on quaternary alloys for use in various fields have recently been carried out. Hosni and colleagues have presented a comparative analysis and found that the large optical gain and wavelength for fiber optic communications can be obtained by applying AlGaInAs quaternary nanowires 5. Another research carried out by Yingxin et al. indicates the positive growth of In1-xGaxAs1-yBiy in the metal-organic vapor phase epitaxy (MOVPE) on the InP substrate 6. The surface morphology of InAs1-x-ySbxPy epilayers grown by liquid phase epitaxy has been studied. The study shows that globules and hillocks have no effects on the crystalline quality and compositional uniformity of InAs1-x-ySbxPy epilayers 7. Our research theory is based on predicting the structural, electronic and optical properties of alloys with various N concentrations x (0.125, 0.25, 0.75, and 0.875) in Al0.50Ga0.50NxSb1-x. We have employed in this prediction the full-potential linearized augmented plane wave (FP-LAPW) method within density functional theory (DFT) 8. We studied the effect of the quaternary Al0.50Ga0.50NxSb1-x concentration of nitrogen atoms on the structural, electronic, and optical properties. Following our library search and according to our knowledge, there is neither theoretical nor experimental data about Al0.50Ga0.50NxSb1-x for comparison.

This article is structured as follows, after the abstract and introduction. In Sec. 2 of this paper establish a short description of the computational method used in this study. A detailed description of the acquired results and their interpretation related to structural, electronic and optical properties of Al0.50Ga0.50NxSb1-x alloys are presented in Sec. 3.

2.Calculation details

The WIEN2k code 9-11 has been used to explore first-principles investigations. In this paper, the effect of exchange-correlation in the GGA was evaluated within Perdew-Burke-Ernzerhof (PBE) 12 potential. It is acknowledged that the standard semi-local GGA undervalues band gaps; for that reason, we have completed the exchange and correlation effects of self-consistency by using the modified Becke-Johnson (mBJ) potential 13. This approximation is a modified version of the Becke-Johnson potential employed to ameliorate band gaps obtained by the conventional density functional theory (DFT) based methods. The mBJ exchange-correlation potential has importantly improved band gap results for wide bandgap insulators and doped semiconductor structures 13-21.

In this work, we have selected the following calculation parameters: the muffin-tin radii (MT) for Al, Ga, N, and Sb to be 2.0, 2.20, 1.8, and 2.50 atomic units (a.u.), respectively. The Kmax=9 (RMT)-1 (Kmax is the plane wave cut-off and RMT is the smallest of all atomic sphere radii). The Fourier expanded charge density was truncated at Gmax=12(Ryd)1/2, the l-expansion of the non-spherical potential and charge density was carried out up to l max = 10. The cut-off energy is set to -6 Ryd to separate the core from valence states. The self-consistent calculations are judged to be converged when the total energy of the system is stable within 0.0001 Ryd.

To predict the structural, electronic, and optical properties of the Al0.50Ga0.50NxSb1-x quaternary alloys, we have employed a (2 x2 x 2) supercell with 16 atoms, 8 atoms for the group III (Aluminum (Al) and Gallium (Ga)), and 8 atoms for group VI (Azote (N) and Antimonide (Sb)). We have chosen 4 atoms for Aluminum and 4 atoms for Gallium to create the structure Al0.50Ga0.50NxSb1-x. To build the structure Al0.50Ga0.50N0.125Sb0.875, Al0.50Ga0.50N0.25Sb0.75, Al0.50Ga0.50N0.75Sb0.25, and Al0.50Ga0.50N0.875Sb0.125, we have chosen 1, 2, 6, and 7 atoms for N, respectively. We note that all structures have a cubic structure in space group F-43m (no.216) (zincblende). The electronic configurations of Al, Ga, N, and Sb are Al: [Ne] 3s23p1, Ga: [Ar] 3d104s24p1, N: [He] 2s22p3 and Sb: [Kr] 4d105s25p3.

3.Results and discussions

3.1Structural properties

To predict the ground state properties such as the equilibrium lattice constant a, the bulk modulus B0 and the bulk modulus pressure derivative B´, we have optimized all structures Al0.50Ga0.50NxSb1-x with (x = 0.125, 0.25, 0.75, 0.875), and we have calculated the total energies, according to the unit cell volumes and fitted to the Birch-Murnaghan’s equation of state (EOS) 22 and it’s based necessarily on two parameters: the compressibility B0 and its first derivative B0’ with respect to the pressure. These two constants are resolved by adapting the energy versus the volume; the isothermal compressibility modulus B is related to the curvature of the function E(V) by the following relation:

EV=E0+B0V01B´0V0VBO´-1+1B´0V0-1B´0-1 (1)

With V0, E0, B0 and B0´ are the volume, total energy, compressibility modulus, and its first derivative, respectively. The studied structural parameters of Al0.50Ga0.50NxSb1-x for various concentrations are resumed in Table I, together with the available theoretical and experimental data. Figure 1 exhibit the variation of parameter lattice a as a function of the composition (x) for Al0.50Ga0.50NxSb1-x, the linear liaison between the parameter lattice and Nitrogen (N) concentration x is calculated by Vegard’s law 23 as follows:

a(x)=6.20511-1.56933x. (2)

Table I Calculated lattice constant (a), bulk modulus (B) for Al 0.50Ga 0.50N x Sb 1−x at concentrations x = 0.125, 0.25, 0.75,and 0.875. 

Compound a(Å) B(GPa)
Al0.50Ga0.50N0.25Sb0.875 6.00895 55.2963
Al0.50Ga0.50N0.25Sb0.75 5.89050 58.0267
Al0.50Ga0.50N0.75Sb0.25 5.12800 96.2490
Al0.50Ga0.50N0.875Sb0.125 4.83195 122.3482

Figure 1 Calculated lattice constant a of Al ..50 Ga 0.50 N x Sb1 -x as a function of concentration (x). 

Generally, the relation between the parameter lattice and concentration is not always linear, for that we have to use the quadratic relationship obtained by fitting:

a(x)=6.07398-041905x-1.13664x2. (3)

Equation (4) represents the quadratic relation of bulk modulus as a function of the concentration x.

B(x)=62.47267-64.14484x+149.56032x2. (4)

Figure 2 exhibit the calculated bulk modus as a function of concentration x.

Figure 2 Calculated bulk modulus B 0 of Al 0.50 Ga 0.50 N x Sb 1-x as a function of concentration (x). 

3.2.Electronic properties

In this part, to predict and know the nature of the bandgap, we have calculated the electronic band structure for Al0.50Ga0.50NxSb1-x with different concentration x(x = 0.125, 0.25, 0.75, 0.875) using GGA-PBEsol 12 jointed with (TB-mBJ) of Tran-Blaha modified Becke-Johnson approximation. The band structure is an indispensable aspect to explore the electronic properties of solids. An important element of details given by the band structure is the width of the energy bandgap (Eg), which is the energy separating the valence band top to the conduction band bottom. The calculated structures along the high symmetry directions of Al0.50Ga0.50NxSb1-x alloys for x = 0.125, 0.25, 0.75 and 0.875 are given in Fig. 3, 4, 5, and 6, respectively. The top of the valence band and the bottom of the conduction band are located at Γ-Γ high-symmetry points and give a direct band for all structures, except for Al0.50Ga0.50N0.25Sb0.75, an alloy which has a zero bandgap and which has semi-metallic behavior 24,25. The calculated Al0.50Ga0.50NxSb1-x band gaps using GGA-PBEsol and TB-mBJ approximation, with available experimental theoretical data, are listed in Table II. Figure 7 shows the deviation of band gap energies Eg of Al0.50Ga0.50NxSb1-x in relation with N concentration (x).

Figure 3 Electronic band structures for Al 0.50 Ga 0.50 N 0.125 Sb 0.875 using GGA-PBEsol and TB-mBJ approximation. 

Figure 4 Electronic band structures for Al 0.50 Ga 0.50 N0.25Sb 0.75 using GGA-PBEsol and TB-mBJ approximation. 

Figure 5 Electronic band structures for Al 0.50 Ga 0.50 N 0.75 Sb 0.25 using GGA-PBEsol and TB-mBJ approximation. 

Figure 6 Electronic band structures for Al 0.50 Ga 0.50 N0.875Sb 0.125 using GGA-PBEsol and TB-mBJ approximation. 

Figure 7 The variation of band gap energies Eg of Al 0.50 Ga 0.50 N x Sb 1-x as a function of N concentration (x). 

3.3.Optical properties

The study done by Ehrenreich and Cohen will allow us to describe the dielectric function as a complex function as:

ε(ω)=ε1(ω)+iε2(ω), (5)

where ε1(ω) and ε2(ω) are the real and the imaginary parts of the dielectric function, respectively. This frequency-dependent complex dielectric function is known to describe the optical response of the medium at all phonon energies E=ω. The imaginary part of the ε(ω) in the long-wavelength limit has been collected directly from the electronic structure calculation, using the joint density of states (JDOS) and the transition moments elements Mcv(k):

ε2ω=4πe2Ωε0K,V,CφKCuxrφKV2×δEKC-EKV-ω (6)

where ω is the frequency of the light, e is the electric charge is the vector defining the polarization of the incident electric field, Ω is the unit cell volume, φKC and φKV are the wave functions of the conduction and valence bands, respectively. The real part of the dielectric function ε1(ω) is determined by employing the Kramers-Kronig 26,27 relations expressed as follows:

ε1(ω)=1+2πP0ω'ε2(ω')ω'2-ω2dω'. (7)

Table II Calculated values of the direct band gap of Al 0.50Ga 0.50N x Sb 1−x alloys obtained within GGA-PBEsol+mBJ approximation in comparison with experimental data and other the- oretical values 

Compound Eg(eV)
Al0.50Ga0.50N0.125Sb0.875 0.43872
Al0.50Ga0.50N0.25Sb0.75 0.00000
Al0.50Ga0.50N0.75Sb0.25 1.81838
Al0.50Ga0.50N0.875Sb0.125 2.30677

Figure 8 shows the real part of the dielectric function for Al0.50Ga0.50NxSb1-x. It is evident that the zero frequency limits ε1(0) is a fundamental parameter, which describes the dielectric response to the static electric field. The static dielectric constants of the Al0.50Ga0.50NxSb1-x alloys at considered Nitrogen (N) concentrations (x = 0.125, 0.25, 0.75, 0.875) are 568.668, 601.714, 158.032, and 142.251, respectively. We notice that the real part of the dielectric function ε1(ω) for Al0.50Ga0.50N0.125Sb0.875, and Al0.50Ga0.50N0.25Sb0.75 becomes negative, from energy which is called plasma energy Ep=ωp, with is reduced Planck constant, and ωp is the plasma frequency. We have found the plasma energy at 0.61093 eV and 0.67841 eV for x = 0.125 and 0.25, respectively. In addition to that, the energy plasma is the energy where the material becomes conductive (metallic comportment) 24-28; according to our calculation, it is reasonable because their bandgap is 0.43872 and 0.0000 eV, respectively. Furthermore, the curves are grouped in pairs, for concentration (0.125, 0.25) and (0.75, 0.875), which have almost the same contour and may be for their nearby bandgap. The imaginary part of the dielectric function (absorptive) for Al0.50Ga0.50N0.125Sb0.875is represented by Fig. 9. It is apparent that the imaginary part of the dielectric function exhibits various comportments for different compositions x, with different peaks located at 0.12245, 0.09524, 0.25851, and 0.17687 eV, for x = 0.125, 0.25, 0.75, and 0.875, respectively. The imaginary part of dielectric amplitude (ε2) is inversely proportional to the bandgap. The lowest gap is 0, 0.43872, 1.81838, and 2.30677 eV for the structures Al0.50Ga0.50N0.25Sb0.75 (red curve), Al0.50Ga0.50N0.125Sb0.875 (black curve), Al0.50Ga0.50N0.75Sb0.25 (green curve), and Al0.50Ga0.50N0.875 Sb0.125 (blue curve), respectively. The peak (high value) of the imaginary part of the dielectric function of different structures is located at 0 and 0.5 eV, which can be due to the crystal structure which is almost identical (if we neglect the radius of N in front of Sb). The associate of the real and imaginary parts of the dielectric function allowance the calculation of fundamental optical properties such as the refractive index n(ω), extinction coefficient K(ω), and the optical conductivity σ(ω) 29-31. The refractive index n(ω), extinction coefficient K(ω), and the optical conductivity σ(ω) are calculated from the Eqs. (8), (9) and (10), respectively.

n(ω)=12[(ε12(ω)+ε22(ω))1/2+ε1(ω)]1/2 (8)

K(ω)=12[(ε12(ω)+ε22(ω))1/2-ε1(ω)]1/2 (9)

σ(ω)=Nee2meffω'ω2-ω'2 (10)

Figure 8 Calculated real parts of the dielectric function of Al 0.50 Ga 0.50 N x Sb 1-x structures. 

Figure 9 Calculated imaginary parts of the dielectric function of Al 0.50 Ga 0.50 N x Sb 1-x structures. 

The refractive index is a fundamental optical constant. It can present data about the comportment of light in materials; when light passes through the different structures, its velocity decreases by increasing the refractive index of these structures 32. Figure 10 represents the refractive index versus light energy (spectral radiations). The maximum refractive index for Al0.50Ga0.50NxSb1-x for all concentrations is situated at zero frequency limits, the static refractive index n(0) for x = 0.125, 0.25, 0.75, and 0.875 are around 24.3361, 25.2517, 12.6392 and 12.0682 eV, respectively, and is decreased as a function of energy. The extinction coefficients of Al0.50Ga0.50NxSb1-x for different concentrations are presented in Fig. 11. We remark that the extinction coefficient increases and decreases after attaining a peak for all concentrations except for x = 0.875 composition. The peaks located at 0.25851, 0.14966, and 0.34014 eV for x = 0.125, 0.25, and 0.75, respectively, and several peaks for x = 0.875 situated at 0.23130, 1.40139 and 2.46263 eV. The plots of the optical conductivity σ(x) within the GGA-PBEsol approach are displayed in Fig. 12. Various peaks are presented in the feature of σ(x) curves, which are vary in agreement with the energy bandgap.

Figure 10 The refractive index n(ω) of Al 0.50 Ga 0.50 N x Sb 1-x structures. 

Figure 11 Extinction coefficient K(ω) for Al 0.50 Ga 0.50 N x Sb 1-x structures. 

Figure 12 Optical conductivity of Al 0.50 Ga 0.50 N x Sb 1-x structures. 


We have presented a theoretical study of the structural, electronic, and optical properties of Al0.50Ga0.50NxSb1-x alloys in the zincblende structure (B3) employing the FP-LAPW approach with the GGA-PBEsol and TB-mBJ approximation. We have found that all structures have a direct bandgap located at Γ-Γ high-symmetry points except the Al0.50Ga0.50N0.25Sb0.75 alloy, which has a semi-metallic comportment. The real and imaginary parts of the dielectric function ε1(ω), ε2(ω), the refractive index n(ω), extinction coefficient K(ω) and the optical conductivity σ(ω) are determined. The curves are grouped in pairs, for concentration (0.125, 0.25) and (0.75, 0.875), which have almost the same contour, which may be for their nearby bandgap. Our results show that the Al0.50Ga0.50NxSb1-x structures for all concentrations except x = 0.25 are promising candidates for optoelectronic applications.


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Received: July 08, 2020; Accepted: August 17, 2020

f Renewable Energy Laboratory and dynamic systems, Faculté des Sciences Ain-Chock, Université Hassan II de Casablanca, Morocco.

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