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vol.85 número337¿Qué es lo primero: el crecimiento del PIB o la inversión? El caso de una economía pequeña y abiertaUn análisis de cambio estructural en la persistencia de la inflación en México usando la regresión cuantílica índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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El trimestre económico

versión On-line ISSN 2448-718Xversión impresa ISSN 0041-3011


FELIX-VERDUZCO, Gustavo  y  TORRES GARCIA, Aldo Josafat. Wage Premium to Computer Use at Work. Microdata Evidence for Mexico. El trimestre econ [online]. 2018, vol.85, n.337, pp.137-168. ISSN 2448-718X.


The hypothesis on the existence of a wage premium for using computer at work is tested. So far, most studies have focused on developed countries and few on developing countries.


We consider worker’s characteristics, employers, and regional heterogeneity of labor markets to estimate wage equations with mixed effects. As an alternative method, we also estimate wage differentials using matching techniques.


The evidence, with 2006 and 2014 data, is favorable to the hypothesis. The most modest estimates indicate a premium between 17 and 19% for the most intensive users.


Acceptance means that the computer is part of technological change that increases productivity, which encourages employers to pay a premium to skilled workers. It indicates to the country the importance of reducing the digital divide in both skilled workers and companies that adopt the technology.

Palabras llave : biased technological change; computer; wage disparities.

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