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vol.20 número1Efectividad de intervenciones de ejercicio físico, en adolescentes con hipertensión y obesidad: revisión sistemáticaReacciones adversas a medicamentos de baja frecuencia en Matanzas, Cuba 2014-2018 índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Horizonte sanitario

versión On-line ISSN 2007-7459versión impresa ISSN 1665-3262


SUAREZ LUGO, Nery. Legal norms for the reduction of cigarette consumption Cuba. Horiz. sanitario [online]. 2021, vol.20, n.1, pp.37-48.  Epub 30-Ago-2021. ISSN 2007-7459.


To describe cigarette consumption, price, elasticity and its relation to legal norms directed to reduce tabaquism from 1980 to 2020.

Material and methods:

Conventional, observational descriptive, transversal, mixt study in two stages. The first stage identifies legal norms and the second, describes cigarette per capita consumption, price and elasticity.


There are established 37 legal norms related to tabaquism, that are inserted in six general health norms and 31 specific. Eight have national effect, twenty-eight limited to ministries and one to an enterprise group. Agreement No.5570/05 is of the highest level. Great part of what it is quoted in the Tobacco Control Frame Agreement by the International Health Organization, it is inserted in the legal norms established, but the ones of major impact to reduce tabaquism, it is only applied to those with no legal nor economic effect.From 1980 to 2019, cigarette per capita consumption of the cuban population of 15 years and older, has decreased 65.44%; average price of 20-unit pack, has not allowed to establish a correlation between both variables, only in punctual moments; same with elasticity product - price. There have been consumption oscillations, that seem to be related to social and economic situations, that have produced increases and decreases derived from non-studied cross elasticity.


The legal norms directed to the reduction of cigarette consumption in Cuba are insufficient, as of its expressed content as of its enforcement to achieve such purpose.

Palabras llave : Tabaquism; Consumption; Price; Elasticity; Legal norms.

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