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Tópicos del Seminario

versión On-line ISSN 2594-0619versión impresa ISSN 1665-1200


MAGARINOS DE MORENTIN, Juan. The Semiotics of Edges. Tóp. Sem [online]. 2007, n.18, pp.97-112. ISSN 2594-0619.

To speak of a semiotics of edges means accepting the existence of a difference, in cognitive efficacy, between a semiotic field and its edges. By a semiotic field we understand a group of contextually situated phenomena whose ontological existence and perceptibility come from the group of utterances and prevailing significations in that concrete society. Edges of a semiotic field (edge1) are the ones marked by operations through which other utterances and possible significations would be constructed. This would continue displacing the semiotic field, in whose displacement another edge (edge2) would continue to delineate itself starting from the utterances and significations that will no longer be possible.

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