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 número53Diversidad de especies de plantas arvenses en tres monocultivos del Bajío, MéxicoMorfología polínica de Neomillspaughia S.F. Blake y Podopterus Bonpl. (Polygonaceae, Eriogonoideae, Coccolobeae). índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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versión impresa ISSN 1405-2768


TOXQUI-TAPIA, R. et al. Diversidad genética y estructura genética de Capsicum annuum L., de poblaciones silvestres, de huertos familiares y cultivadas en un ambiente heterogéneo en Oaxaca, México. Polibotánica [online]. 2022, n.53, pp.87-103.  Epub 04-Abr-2022. ISSN 1405-2768.

Domesticated species have been exposed to artificial pressures that regulate the genetic structure and divergence between populations. We estimated the genetic diversity, structure, inbreeding, effective population size, population bottlenecks and the ecological niche divergence, of wild, homegarden and cultivated populations of C. annuum. We analyzed, 13 populations across Oaxaca, Mexico and using seven nuclear microsatellite markers. C. annuum, shown high levels of genetic diversity in wild, homegarden and cultivated populations. Domesticated chiles in traditional agricultural habitats harbor unique gene pools and thus act as genetic variation reservoirs and to preserve its biodiversity. That indicates, a strong selection occurred at different phenotypes, could generating genetically diverse materials that have favored population adaptation to locations and environments. The values of inbreeding and the effective population size were sufficient to allow the maintenance of the populations. It is necessary to initiate programs to select chile varieties, to rescue some traits in the fruit. Genetic differentiation, was moderated among populations, we detected four geographic regions that are highly divergent between them. We suggest that in chile populations, a strong artificial selection could generate genetically divergent materials. We postulate, that climatic complexity and altitudinal gradients in Oaxaca, could promoting biodiversity, domestication and diversification. The Chiles from Oaxaca, are an example to the diversification of landraces that include chiles such as, 'Tusta', 'Tabaquero', 'Solterito', 'Piquín', 'Nanchita', 'Costeño' and 'Chile de Agua'.

Palabras llave : C. annuum; domestication process; genetic diversity; population bottlenecks; effective population size.

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