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Acta universitaria

versión On-line ISSN 2007-9621versión impresa ISSN 0188-6266


VARGAS-CANALES, Juan Manuel et al. Trends of bioeconomy in search for a sustainable economic model. Acta univ [online]. 2023, vol.33, e3920.  Epub 08-Mar-2024. ISSN 2007-9621.

The aim of this research was to analyze the current state of knowledge of bioeconomy studies, in order to identify its development, evolution, and trends. For its analysis, the systematic review method was used, whereas for coding, data extraction, and results, the VOSviewer software was used. In recent years there has been a growth in bioeconomy research, concentrated in a few countries, institutions, and disciplines. The results identify the consolidation of three scientific fields with specific themes and interests. Currently, there is greater interest in studies related to circular economy, circular bioeconomy, and sustainability. Finally, few technical investigations related to process and product improvements are perceived; that is, investigations focus on socioeconomic issues and to a lesser extent on technological development.

Palabras llave : Biofuels; scientific development; circular economy; scientific paradigms; sustainability.

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