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vol.64 número236Hermenéutica, realidad y método en la disciplina de las Relaciones InternacionalesVida cotidiana y estructuras de acogida: vigencia e importancia de la antropología simbólica de Lluís Duch para los estudios políticos y sociales índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Revista mexicana de ciencias políticas y sociales

versión impresa ISSN 0185-1918


AMADOR BECH, Julio Alberto. The Symbolic Hermeneutics of Gilbert Durand and the Critique of Iconoclasm. Rev. mex. cienc. polít. soc [online]. 2019, vol.64, n.236, pp.239-266. ISSN 0185-1918.

This work presents and comments on the different meanings of the concept of iconoclasm developed by Gilbert Durand in several of his works, as well as its various historical phases. It is a central concept of Durand’s symbolic hermeneutics, which allows him to assert the importance of imagination and imaginary activity in the formation of culture and the products of symbolic thought: science, art and religion. At the same time, the author makes a criticism of the diverse aspects assumed by iconoclasm, from the Middle Ages to the present time. Particular emphasis is placed on the criticism of modern and contemporary scientistic rationalism, in particular: Cartesianism, empiricism, and positivism. Orthodox Marxism and contemporary conceptual art are added to the currents of iconoclasm defined and criticized by Durand.

Palabras llave : symbolic hermeneutics; iconoclasm; imaginary; image; symbolic thought; rationalism.

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