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Revista mexicana de física

versión impresa ISSN 0035-001X

Rev. mex. fis. vol.66 no.6 México nov./dic. 2020  Epub 31-Ene-2022 


Gravitation, Mathematical Physics and Field Theory

The generalized Kudryashov method for the nonlinear fractional partial differential equations with the beta-derivative

Yusuf Gurefe1 

1Department of Econometrics, Usak University, 64100 Usak/Turkey e-mail:


In this article, we consider the exact solutions of the Hunter-Saxton and Schrödinger equations defined by Atangana’s conformable derivative using the general Kudryashov method. Firstly, Atangana’s conformable fractional derivative and its properties are included. Then, by introducing the generalized Kudryashov method, exact solutions of nonlinear fractional partial differential equations, which can be expressed with the conformable derivative of Atangana, are classified. Looking at the results obtained, it is understood that the generalized Kudryashov method can yield important results in obtaining the exact solutions of fractional partial differential equations containing beta-derivatives.

Keywords: The generalized Kudryashov method; Hunter-Saxton equation; Schrödinger equation; beta-derivative; wave solutions

PACS: 02.30.Jr; 02.60.Cb; 04.20.Jb; 44.05.+e


Recently, many articles have been made about obtaining analytical, numerical, exact solutions of the mathematical problems expressed by these events and some physical events that can be mathematically modeled and defined using fractional derivatives 1-5. These and similar events are usually expressed in non-linear FPDEs. Besides the mentioned fractional differential equations have many application areas. Some of them are dynamics, engineering, physics, chemistry, biology, signal processing, continuum mechanics, control theory, respectively. Many different types of fractional derivative operators have been identified, some of which are as follows: Caputo derivative 6, Riemann-Liouville derivative 7, Caputo-Fabrizio 8, Jumarie’s modified Riemann-Liouville derivative 9, Atangana-Baleanu derivative 10. With the help of these derivative operators, various techniques have been developed that provide analytical, approximated, and exact solutions of nonlinear FPDEs such as the sub-equation method 11, the first integral method 12, the extended trial equation method 13, the modified trial equation method 14, the variational iteration method 15, local fractional Adomian decomposition method 16, Laplace transforms 17, local fractional Fourier series method 18, finite difference method 19, finite element method 20 and so on.

In 21, a new fractional derivative called conformable derivative has been defined, and then exact solutions of the time-heat differential equation obtained using this derivative have been obtained 22. On the other hand, Atangana et al. have given some definitions, theorems, and features on the subject of conformable derivative 23. Therefore, some applications have been made with the use of these features 24,25. Finally, Atangana et al. gave a new definition of a fractional derivative called beta-derivative. In their articles, they solved the Hunter Saxton equation 26. Respectively, fractional Hunter Saxton, fractional Sharma-Tasso-Olver, the space-time fractional modified Benjamin-Bona-Mahony, time fractional Schrödinger equations with Atangana’s conformable derivative has been solved by the first integral method 27. In 28,29, Martínez and Aguilar applied the fractional sub-equation method to construct exact solutions of the space-time conformable generalized Hirota-Satsuma-coupled KdV equation, coupled mKdV equation, the space-time resonant nonlinear Schrödinger equation with Atangana’s conformable derivative. The authors in [30] consider the generalized exponential rational function method for the Radhakrishnan-Kundu-Lakshmanan equation with beta-conformable time derivative.

In this article, the effectiveness of the generalized Kudryashov method was investigated to determine the exact solutions of the FPDEs with Atangana’s conformable derivatives. In some studies in the literature, this method has been applied to various nonlinear fractional problems 31-33.

The rest of the paper is organized as follows: In Sec. 2, some basic properties concerning the Atangana’s conformable derivative are examined. Then the generalized Kudryashov method has been introduced in detail in Sec. 3. Section 4 includes some applications. This study was completed with a conclusion in Sec. 5.

2.Atangana’s conformable derivatives (beta-derivatives)

Definition 1. In 21, a new fractional derivative called as conformable derivative is defined by Khalil et al. Let f:[0,) be a function α-th order, the conformable derivative of f(t) for all t>0, α(0,1) is given as follows:

0Dtα{f(t)}=limε0f(t+εt1-α)-f(t)ε. (1)

Also, if f is a-differentiable in (0,a), a>0, and limε0+f(α)(t) exists, then it can be written as f(α)(0)=limε0+f(α)(t).

Definition 2. In 26, Atangana et al. gave the beta-derivative or Atangana’s conformable as

0ADtα{f(t)}=limε0ft+εt+1Γ(α)1-α-f(t)ε. (2)

Although the conformable fractional derivative presented by Khalil et al. provides some fundamental features such as the chain rule, the Atangana’s fractional derivative is preferred because it can provide the maximum properties of the fundamental derivatives. There are several important properties for the beta-derivatives 26:

  1. Taking that, g0 and f are two functions beta-differentiable with β(0,1], then the following relation can be easily written and satisfied

  2. Dxααfx+bg(x)=a0ADxaf(x)+b0ADxag(x)0A (3)

  3. for all a and b real numbers.

  4. For c any constant, the following relation can be easily satisfied

    0ADxα{c}=0. (4)

  5. Dxαcf(x)g(x)=g(x)Dxαf(x)+f(x)Dxαg(x)0A0A0A (5)

  6. 0ADxαf(x)g(x)=g(x)0ADxα{f(x)}-f(x)0ADxα{g(x)}g2(x). (6)

Taking into account Eq. (2),


and h0, when ε0, hence we get

0ADxα{f(x)}=x+1Γ(α)1-αdf(x)dx, (7)


η=δαx+1Γ(α)α, (8)

where δ is a constant, and therefore the following relation can be given

0ADxαfη=δdfηdη. (9)

3.The generalized Kudryashov method

In this section, the generalized Kudryashov method will be introduced in detail to obtain the exact solutions of FPDEs defined by Atangana’s derivative 31-33.

Considering the following nonlinear FPDE with a beta-derivative for a function of of two real variables, space x, and time t:

P(u,0ADtαu,ux,uxx,...)=0. (10)

The basic operation steps of the generalized Kudryashov method can be given as follows:

Step 1. First of all, to obtain the wave solution of Eq. (10), we should consider the traveling wave transformation as follows:

u(x,t)=u(η),η=kx-δα(t+1Γ(α))α, (11)

where k and δ are arbitrary constants. Then, by applying Eq. (11) to Eq. (10), a nonlinear ordinary differential equation can be found as

N(u,u',u,u,...)=0, (12)

where the prime indicates differentiation with respect to η.

Step 2. Suppose that the exact solutions of Eq. (12) can be investigated in the form

u(η)=i=0Naiψi(η)j=0Mbjψj(η)=A[ψ(η)]B[ψ(η)], (13)



We note that the function ψ is the solution of the equation:

ψη=ψ'=ψ2-ψ. (14)

Taking into consideration Eq. (11), we obtain

u´η=A´ψ´B-AB´ψ´B2=ψ´A´B-AB´´B2=ψ2-ψA´B-AB´B2 (15)

u´´ η=ψ2-ψB22ψ-1A´B-AB´+ψ2-ψB×BA´´B-AB´´-2A´BB´+2A(B´)2 (16)

Step 3. For the solutions of Eq. (10) or Eq. (12), the rational form of the two finite series defined using the solution function of Eq. (14) can be expanded as follows:

u(η)=a0+a1ψ+a2ψ2+...+aNψNb0+b1ψ+b2ψ2+...+bMψM. (17)

To find the values of M and N in Eq. (13), that is the pole order for the general solution of Eq. (10). We progress as in the classical Kudryashov method on balancing the highest -order nonlinear terms in Eq. (12) and we can obtain a relation between M and N. Various solutions to the relevant differential equation can be calculated for some values of M and N.

Step 4. Replacing Eq. (11) into Eq. (10) provides a polynomial R(Ω) of Ω. Equating the coefficients of R(Ω) to zero, we get a system of algebraic equations. Solving this system, we can compute λ and the variable coefficients of a0,a1,a2,...,aN,b0,b1,b2,...,bM. With this approach, we get exact solutions to Eq. (10).

4.Applications to the time-fractional equations with beta-derivatives

In this section, we seek the exact solutions of the Hunter-Saxton and Schrödinger equations with Atangana’s conformable derivative using the generalized Kudryashov method.

Example 1: We consider the Hunter-Saxton with Atangana’s conformable derivatives 27

0ADtα{ux}+(ux)2+uux=12(ux)2,0<α1, (18)

where x is the spatial variable and t represents the time. Also, it is said that Atangana’s derivative is chosen in the way that we recover the traditional Hunter-Saxton equation in 27. We handle the traveling wave solutions of Eq. (18) and we perform the transformation u(x,t)=u(ξ) and


where λ is constant. Then, we reach

2λu-(u')2-2uu'=0. (19)

Putting Eqs. (13) and (16) into Eq. (19) and balancing the highest order nonlinear terms of u and (u')2 in Eq. (19), then the following formula is procured

N-M+2=2N-2M+2N=M. (20)

If we choose N = M = 2, then we get

Uξ=a0+a1ψ+a-2ψ2b0+B1ψ+b2ψ2, (21)

u´ξ=(ψ2-ψ)a1+2a2ψb0+b1ψ+b2ψ2-b1+2b2ψa0+a1ψ+a2ψ2b0+b1ψ+b2ψ22 (22)

u´´ ξ=2ψ-1ψ2-ψb0+b1ψ+b2ψ22a1+2a2ψb0+b1ψ+b2ψ2-b1+2b2ψa0+a1ψb2ψ2+ψ2-ψ2b0+b1ψ+b2ψ232a2b0+b1ψ+b2ψ22-2b2a1+2b2ψb0+b1ψ+b2ψ2+ψ2-ψ2b0+b1ψ+b2ψ232b1+2b2ψ2a0+a1ψ+a2ψ2 (23)

Therefore, the exact solutions of Eq. (18) are obtained as follows:

Case 1.

a0=λb24,a1=b0=0,a2=-λb2,b1=-b2. (24)

When we substitute Eq. (24) into Eq. (21), we get the following solution of Eq. (18)

u1(x,t)=λ41-41±ex-(λ/α)(t+(1/Γ(α))α)-21±ex-(λ/α)(t+(1/Γ(α))α)-2-1±ex-(λ/α)(t+(1/Γ(α))α)-1. (25)

Figure 1 Three-dimensional, density and contour plots of the solution (26) for the values a = 0:5 when λ = 0:5, k = 2. 

Figure 2 Three-dimensional, density and contour plots of the solution (26) for the values a = 1 when λ = 0:5, k = 2. 

Using several simple transformations to this solution, we get new exact solutions to Eq. (18),

u1,1(x,t)=λ2tanhk1x-λ1αt+1Γ(α)α-tanh2k1x-λ1αt+1Γ(α)α1-tanh2k1x-λ1αt+1Γ(α)α, (26)

u1,2(x,t)=λ2cothk1x-λ1αt+1Γ(α)α-coth2k1x-λ1αt+1Γ(α)α1-coth2k1x-λ1αt+1Γ(α)α (27)

where k1=1/2 and λ1=λ/2.

Case 2.

a0=-a243a2λb2+10,a1=-a2,b0=b2,b1=-2b2. (28)

When we substitute Eq. (28) into Eq. (21), we get the following solution of Eq. (18)

u2(x,t)=a24b2-3a2λb2-10-41±ex-(λ/α)(t+(1/Γ(α))α)-1+41±ex-(λ/α)(t+(1/Γ(α))α)-21-21±ex-(λ/α)(t+(1/Γ(α))α)-1+1±ex-(λ/α)(t+(1/Γ(α))α)-2. (29)

Figure 3 Three-dimensional, density and contour plots of the solution (30) for the values a = 0:5 when λ = 0:5, k = 2, a2 = 1, b2 =. 2  

Figure 4 Three-dimensional, density and contour plots of the solution (30) for the values a = 1 when λ = 0:5, k = 2, a2 = 1, b2 =. 2  

Using several simple transformations to this solution, we get new exact solutions to Eq. (18),

u2,1(x,t)=Kλb2tanh2k1x-λ1αt+1Γ(α)α-11-3Ka21+tanhk1x-λ1αt+1Γ(α)α2, (30)

u2,2(x,t)=Kλb2coth2k1x-λ1αt+1Γ(α)α-11-3Ka21+cothk1x-λ1αt+1Γ(α)α2 (31)

where K=a2/(λb22).

Case 3.

a0=a243a2λb2-2,a1=-a2,b0=b1=0. (32)

When we substitute Eq. (32) into Eq. (21), we get the following solution of Eq. (18)

u3(x,t)=a24b2-3a2λb2-2-41±ex-(λ/α)(t+(1/Γ(α))α)-1+41±ex-(λ/α)(t+(1/Γ(α))α)-21±ex-(λ/α)(t+(1/Γ(α))α)-2. (33)

Using several simple transformations to this solution, we can easily find new exact solutions to Eq. (18),

u3,1(x,t)=Kλb2tanh2k1x-λ1αt+1Γ(α)α-3+3Ka21-tanhk1x-λ1αt+1Γ(α)α2, (34)

u3,2(x,t)=Kλb2coth2k1x-λ1αt+1Γ(α)α-3+3Ka21-cothk1x-λ1αt+1Γ(α)α2 (35)

Case 4.

a0=-2λb2,a1=4λb2,b0=b2,b1=-2b2. (36)

When we substitute Eq. (36) into Eq. (21), we get the following solution of Eq. (18)

u4(x,t)=-2λb2+4λb211±ex-(λ/α)(t+(1/Γ(α))α)+a211±ex-(λ/α)(t+(1/Γ(α))α)2b2-2b211±ex-(λ/α)(t+(1/Γ(α))α)+b211±ex-(λ/α)(t+(1/Γ(α))α)2. (37)

Using several simple transformations to this solution, we get new exact solutions to Eq. (18),

u4,1(x,t)=a21-tanhk1x-λ1αt+1Γ(α)α2-8λb2tanhk1x-λ1αt+1Γ(α)αb21+tanhk1x-λ1αt+1Γ(α)α2, (38)

u4,2(x,t)=a21-cothk1x-λ1αt+1Γ(α)α2-8λb2cothk1x-λ1αt+1Γ(α)αb21-cothk1x-λ1αt+1Γ(α)α2 (39)

Example 2: We consider the nonlinear Schrödinger equation 27 with Atangana’s derivatives

i0ADtα{u}+puxx+q|u|2u=0,0<α1, (40)

where u is a complex value function. We take the traveling wave solutions of Eq. (40) and we implement the transformation

u(x,t)=eiθu(η),θ=τx+λα(t+1Γ(α))αη=x-2rλα(t+1Γ(α))α, (41)

where τ, r and λ are constants. Using Eqs. (7)-(9) and substituting Eq. (41) into Eq. (40), we obtain the following equation including the imaginary and real part

i-2rλdudη+2pτdudη+pd2udη2-λ+pτ2u+qu3=0 (42)

From the imaginary part of Eq. (42), we have

r=pτλ. (43)

Also, the real part of Eq. (42) can be rewritten as

pu-(λ+pτ2)u+qu3=0. (44)

Putting Eqs. (13) and (16) into Eq. (44) and balancing the highest order nonlinear terms of u and u3 in Eq. (44), then the following formula is found

N-M+2=3N-3MN=M+1. (45)

If we choose M = 1 and N = 2, then we have

uη=a0+a1ψ+a2ψ2b0+b1ψ (46)

u´η=ψ2-ψa1+2a2ψb0+b1ψ-b1a0+a1ψ+a2ψ2b0+b1ψ2 (47)

u´´ η=2ψ-1ψ2-ψb0+b1ψ2a1+2a2ψb0+b1ψ-b1a0+a1ψ+a2ψ2+ψ2-ψ2b0+b1ψ32a2b0+b1ψ2-2b1a1+2a2ψb0+b1ψ+2b12a2+a1ψ+a2ψ2 (48)

The exact solutions of Eq. (40) are obtained as follows:

Case 1.

a0=-ib02pq,a1=2ib02pq,a2=-2ib02pq,λ=-p(2+τ2),r=-τ(2+τ2). (49)

When we substitute Eq. (49) into Eq. (46), we get the following solution of Eq. (40)

u1x,t=eiτx-(p(2+τ2)/α)t+(1/Γ(α))α×ib02pq-1+211±ex-2pταt+1Γαα-211±ex-2pτ/αt+1/Γα2b0+b111±ex-2pτ/αt+1/Γaα (50)

Using several simple transformations to this solution, we get new exact solutions to Eq. (40),

u1,1(x,t)=Lei[τx+(λ2/α)(t+(1/Γ(α)))α]1+tanh2k1x+λ3αt+1Γ(α)αtanhk1x+λ3αt+1Γ(α)α, (51)

u1,2(x,t)=Lei[τx+(λ2/α)(t+(1/Γ(α)))α]1+coth2k1x+λ3αt+1Γ(α)αcothk1x+λ3αt+1Γ(α)α (52)

where L=-iP/2q, λ2=-p(2+τ2) and λ3=-2pτ.

Figure 5 Three-dimensional, density and contour plots of the solution (55) for the values a = 0:001, when p = k = 2, q = 1 τ = 0:5. 

Figure 6 Three-dimensional, density and contour plots of the solution (55) for the values a = 1 when p = k = 2, q = 1 τ = 0:5. 

Case 2.

a0=-ib0p2q,a1=0,a2=2ib02pq,b1=2b0,λ=-p2(1+2τ2),r=-2τ1+2τ2. (53)

When we substitute Eq. (53) into Eq. (46), we get the following solution of Eq. (40)

u2(x,t)=ei[τx-(p(1+2τ2)/2α)(t+(1/Γ(α)))α]ip2q-1+211±ex-(2pτ/α)(t+(1/Γ(α)))α21+211±ex-(2pτ/α)(t+(1/Γ(α)))α. (54)

Applying simple transformations to this solution, we gain new exact solutions to Eq. (40),

u2,1(x,t)=Lei[τx+(λ4/α)(t+(1/Γ(α)))α]tanhk1x+λ3αt+1Γ(α)α, (55)

u2,2(x,t)=Lei[τx+(λ4/α)(t+(1/Γ(α)))α]cothk1x+λ3αt+1Γ(α)α (56)

where L=-iP/2q and λ4=-(p(1+2τ2)/2).

Case 3.

a0=-ib0p2q,a1=a2=0,b1=-2b0,λ=-p2(1+2τ2),r=-2τ1+2τ2. (57)

When we replace Eq. (57) into Eq. (46), we obtain the following solution of Eq. (40)

u3(x,t)=ei[τx-(p(1+2τ2)/2α)(t+(1/Γ(α)))α]-ip2q1-211±ex-(2pτ/α)(t+(1/Γ(α)))α. (58)

Figure 7 Three-dimensional, density and contour plots of the solution (59) for the values a = 0:01 when p = k = 2, q = 1 τ = 0:5. 

Figure 8 Three-dimensional, density and contour plots of the solution (59) for the values a = 1 when p = k = 2, q = 1 τ = 0:5. 

Fulfilling several transformations to this solution, we gain new exact solutions to Eq. (40),

u3,1(x,t)=Lei[τx+(λ4/α)(t+(1/Γ(α)))α]1tanhk1x+λ3αt+1Γ(α)α, (59)

u3,2(x,t)=Lei[τx+(λ4/α)(t+(1/Γ(α)))α]1cothk1x+λ3αt+1Γ(α)α (60)

Case 4.

a0=0,a1=-ib12pq,a2=ib12pq,b0=-b12,λ=p(1-τ2),r=τ1-τ2. (61)

When we replace Eq. (61) into Eq. (46), we obtain the following solution of Eq. (40)

u4(x,t)=ei[τx+(p(1-τ2)/α)(t+(1/Γ(α)))α]2ip2q11±ex-(2pτ/α)(t+(1/Γ(α)))α-11±ex-(2pτ/α)(t+(1/Γ(α)))α21-211±ex-(2pτ/α)(t+(1/Γ(α)))α. (62)

Figure 9 Three-dimensional, density and contour plots of the solution (63) for the values a = 0:5 when p = 2, q = k = 1, τ = 0:5. 

Figure 10 Three-dimensional, density and contour plots of the solution (63) for the values a = 1 when p = 2, q = k = 1, τ = 0:5. 

Using several transformations to this solution, we procure new exact solutions to Eq. (40),

u4(x,t)=Mei[τx+(λ5/α)(t+(1/Γ(α)))α]1coshk1x+λ3αt+1Γ(α)αsinhk1x+λ3αt+1Γ(α)α, (63)

where M=ip/2q and λ5=p(1-τ2).

Case 5.

a0=ib0p2q,a1=i(2b0+b1)p2q,a2=0,λ=-p2p(1+2τ2),r=-21+2τ2. (64)

If we embed Eq. (64) into Eq. (46), we compute the following solution of Eq. (40)

u5(x,t)=ei[τx-(p(1+2τ2)/2α)(t+(1/Γ(α)))α]ip2qb0+(2b0+b1)11±ex-(2pτ/α)(t+(1/Γ(α)))αb0+b111±ex-(2pτ/α)(t+(1/Γ(α)))α. (65)

From this solution where N=ip/2q, we have new exact solutions to Eq. (40),

u5,1(x,t)=Nei[τx+(λ4/α)(t+(1/Γ(α)))α]b1-(2b0+b1)tanhk1x+λ3αt+1Γ(α)αb1-2b0-b1tanhk1x+λ3αt+1Γ(α)α, (66)

u5,2(x,t)=Nei[τx+(λ4/α)(t+(1/Γ(α)))α]b1-(2b0+b1)cothk1x+λ3αt+1Γ(α)αb1-2b0-b1cothk1x+λ3αt+1Γ(α)α (67)

Remark. The solutions of Eqs. (18) and (40) were found by using the generalized Kudryashov method, have been checked using Mathematica Release 9. To our knowledge, these solutions that we obtained in this paper, are new and are not shown in the previous literature.


In this study, the generalized Kudryashov method was applied to find new exact solutions of the Hunter-Saxton and Schrödinger equations defined by Atangana’s conformable derivative. This method is defined by the rational form of finite series, which includes the solution function of the Riccati equation. The number of terms of the finite series is determined by the balance principle. The balance relation obtained by the application of the balance principle shows us that the related problem can be solved for different values of the finite series. In this study, different solution classes are classified for the upper values of finite series calculated for Hunter Saxton and Schrödinger equations defined by Atangana’s conformable derivative. By applying this method to the determined problems, rational hyperbolic function solutions were found. For some values of the parameters that are included in the solution functions, physical behaviors on three-dimensional, density, and contour graphics were examined. Thus, it has been observed that the generalized Kudryashov method gives very effective results in constructing the exact solutions of nonlinear FPDEs defined with Atangana’s derivative. In our future studies, we will apply the generalized Kudryashov method to some other nonlinear fractional problems defined with Atangana’s derivative.


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Received: June 17, 2020; Accepted: June 24, 2020

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