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La ventana. Revista de estudios de género

versión impresa ISSN 1405-9436


SAENZ-VELA, Hada Melissa  y  VERA-LOPEZ, Juana Isabel. Quality and Legislative Productivity Score: Deputies of the LXI Legislature of Coahuila. La ventana [online]. 2021, vol.6, n.54, pp.276-303.  Epub 15-Jul-2021. ISSN 1405-9436.

As a way of approaching the evaluation of legislative performance and substantive representation, for each female legislator of the LXI Legislature (2018-2020) of Coahuila, the Legislative Quality and Productivity Score is calculated with information on the scope and status of the initiatives presented, the type of committees chaired, and the position regarding the maximum legislative activity. There are noticeable differences in legislative work: the number of initiatives varies substantially, in addition, some are inclined towards proposals for essential modifications, while others opt for targeted ones. Only half of the deputies lead a power commission, which does not necessarily have a high level of activity. Although the progress in terms of numerical parity stands out, it is observed that substantive representativeness still has a way to go.

Palabras llave : score; performance; legislative representation; gender.

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