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vol.83 número329La incidencia de los entornos regionales sobre las restricciones financieras en pequeñas y medianas empresasEstimación de la tasa social de descuento a largo plazo en el marco de los sistemas nacionales de inversión. Aplicación al caso chileno índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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El trimestre económico

versión On-line ISSN 2448-718Xversión impresa ISSN 0041-3011


BRUM, Conrado; ROMAN, Carolina  y  WILLEBALD, Henry. Un enfoque monetario de la inflación en el largo plazo. El caso de Uruguay (1870-2010). El trimestre econ [online]. 2016, vol.83, n.329, pp.61-98. ISSN 2448-718X.

This paper aims at explaining the long-run inflation of Uruguay (1870-2010). A monetary inflation model is used based on the assumption that the long-run inflation results from the equilibrium conditions in the money market. A forward-looking Phillips curve is estimated where the inflation expectations are explained by the core money growth, which is defined as the growth of long-lasting component of nominal money supply that exceeds the long-run increase of the real money demand, this last one determined by the change of the potential output (output adjusted core money, OACM). The results show a positive and significant impact of OACM on inflation. Although in the short run it cannot be rejected that this effect is similar than the others, in the long run OACM has a unitary impact on inflation. In addition, we compare the OACM with the effective inflation and we construct a monetization index which enables us to identify processes of “demonetization” and “monetization” that the Uruguayan economy experienced along the last 140 years.

Palabras llave : inflation; core money; Uruguay.

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