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Estudios políticos (México)

versión impresa ISSN 0185-1616


BARCENA, Sergio A.  y  HERNANDEZ DIAZ, Daniel. Parliamentary Participation Score (PPS). On how to measure the performance of Mexican federal deputies. Estud. polít. (Méx.) [online]. 2019, n.47, pp.37-60.  Epub 31-Mayo-2020. ISSN 0185-1616.

Since currently there are no qualitative indicators to assess the legislative performance of Mexican legislators, this paper introduces a Parliamentary Participation Score (SPP). This is a multifactorial weighed instrument that considers three substantive actions of legislators: a) bill sponsorship (regarding their relative relevance and progress throughout parliamentary stages); the crafting of petitions (and their advancement through the legislative process); and c) effective assistance to floor debates.

Palabras llave : Mexico; Legislative; legislators; performance; evaluation institutions.

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