Print ISSN 0036-3634



Salud Pública de México is a bi-monthly journal published by the Instituto Nacional de Salud Pública - INSP (National Institute of Public Health).

Annual subscriptions of the journal's printed version is available as follow:

  • México
    General public: $ 180.00 M.N.
    Students: $ 150.00 M.N.
  • Latin America
    General public: $ 55.00 U.S.D.
  • Other countries
    General public: $ 77.00 U.S.D.

Single issues are also available:

  • México
    General public: $ 40.00 M.N.
    Students: $ 40.00 M.N.
  • Latin America
    General public: $ 12.00 U.S.D.
  • Other countries
    General public: $ 15.00 U.S.D.

Subscription orders should be sent to the Institute at the address below, or by phone (52 73) 29.3055.

The SciELO online version of the journal is based upon the methodology developed by the Fapesp/Bireme Project on Electronic Periodicals. Presently, the online version, that includes the complete texts of the articles, is available free of charge. Further information, please see copyright.

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Av. Universidad, 655, Edificio de Gobierno
Planta Baja, Col. Santa María Ahuacatitlán
62508, Cuernavaca, Morelos - México

Telephone / Fax: (52 73) 17-5745