ISSN 1405-0927
versión impresa



Magazine Posting Rules

Each and every article or review that is being proposed to Historia y Grafía must be a new, unpublished contribution. Likewise, it cannot be simultaneously sent to other journals.

Articles should be no longer than 35 pages in length; reviews should be no longer than 12 pages. Considering one standard page consists of 1,680 characters (a calculation that takes into account both the spaces between words and the footnotes), the limit will be of 58,800 characters for an article and of 20,160 for a review.

Please send the original manuscript, in a Word-processed file, to (Given that it will not be returned in any case, we advise you to keep a copy of the final draft.) The manuscript should contain the following information:

•The author's name;

•A brief résumé (ten lines approximately);

•The home address, the phone (or the fax) number, as well as the e-mail address; and

•An abstract, written both in Spanish and in English, where, aside from mentioning the title of the article, the author assesses its importance, highlighting its most relevant facets or pointing to the way it forwards historical knowledge. Abstracts (which are not required for reviews) should be no longer than 150 words.

If there appear charts or graphics in the article or the review, please make sure that they are identified precisely and that the corresponding source is specified.

The notation system used in Historia y Grafía is the philological, also known as the Latin system. Accordingly, the reference notes will include only the author of the source in question, the title of the source, and the page number where the citation is to be located. Furthermore, it will be necessary to use the Latin expressions ibidem , op. cit., idem , etc., depending on the instance. These are cases in point of reference notes:

1 Paul Riceur, Tiempo y narración. El tiempo narrado , vol. 3, pp. 123-124.

2 Ibidem, p. 128.

3 Marco Aurelio Larios, "Espejo de dos rostros. Modernidad y postmodernidad en el tratamiento de la historia", pp. 130-131.

4 Riceur, Tiempo y narración, op. cit., p. 158.

5 Raymundo Mier, "El retrato y la metamorfosis de la memoria. La transformación de la historia en el origen de la fotografía", p. 81.

6 Idem.

An account of the sources consulted will be placed at the end of the article, under the title of "Bibliography" and using the French indentation. For example:

Larios, Marco Aurelio. "Espejo de dos rostros. Modernidad y postmodernidad en el tratamiento de la historia", en Karl Kohut (ed.), La invención del pasado. La novela histórica en el marco de la postmodernidad, Frankfurt/Madrid, Vervuet, 1997, pp. 130-145.

Mier, Raymundo. "El retrato y la metamorfosis de la memoria. La transformación de la historia en el origen de la fotografía", Historia y Grafía, año 2, núm. 4, 1995, pp. 81-109.

Ricceur, Paul. Tiempo y narración. El tiempo narrado, vol. 3, tr. Agustín Neira, México, Siglo XXI, 1996.

Historia y Grafía publishes the modality known as the critical review. Now, what we understand as a "critique" is a commentary that makes reference to the academic and cultural context in which a given book is framed.

A critical review will be characterized by the following traits:

•It should make a succinct description of what constitutes the content of the book reviewed;

•It should appraise the relevance of that book and, concurrently, provide the reasons for writing the review;

•It should stress the momentousness of the topic or theme, situating it within the framework of the related discussion and viewing it from the historiographical angle;

•It must shed light on the context surrounding that book, based on different criteria, namely:

• In regard to the author's previous work

• In regard to the theme or topic

• In regard to the problems involved (whether they be conceptual, argumentative, referential...), and

• In comparative terms.

The body of the review must be preceded by the bibliographical information on the book in question. A case in point is the following:

• Rozat, Guy. Los orígenes de la nación. Pasado indígena e historia nacional , México, UIA-Departamento de Historia, 2001, 478 pp.

If one or more words are being suppressed in the textual citations, the omission should be indicated by means of ellipsis in square brackets: [...]. In the case when the author wishes to add a remark or detail a point, square brackets will be used too.

Upon receiving the manuscripts, the editorial staff will first verify that they comply with the prescribed guidelines. Next, each manuscript that meets these requirements is to be submitted to an arbitration process which is led by academic peers, under the double-blind mode; in the event that one judgment is favorable and the other is unfavorable, we will appeal to a third arbiter in order to attain a verdict by majority. Once the text has become accepted, its publication will be scheduled and the editorial production will begin with the copy-editing phase.

It is settled that the author of a manuscript that has been accepted by the arbiters must hand over the rights on his/her text so that it can be published electronically in Historia y Grafía's digital version.


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