ISSN 1665-9201
versión impresa

ISSN 2565-005X
versión on line




Authors Instructions

Instructions for authors

Original articles

The original articles should contain, on the front page, the concise and informative title of the study; the name and surname of each author; the institutions and institutional departments in which the study has been carried out (without describing the nomination or institutional position of the authors), as well as the name and current address of the corresponding author; where applicable, a mention of the research funding sources; a short title of no more than 40 characters (with spaces and letters), and keywords to facilitate inclusion in international indexes. You should refer to the uniform requirements page for manuscripts submitted to biomedical journals, of the International Committee of Biomedical Journal Editors (, for more information on the preparation of manuscripts.

Structured Abstract

The abstract will have a maximum of 200 words in free format, and will indicate the purpose of the research, the basic procedures (sample selection, analytical and observational methods), the main findings (concrete data and, if possible, their statistical significance), the relevant conclusions and the originality of the research. At the end, three to six keywords will be written down to facilitate inclusion in international indexes.
The use of the terms from the Medical Subject Headings of the most recent Index Medicus is recommended.


It should include the background, the approach to the problem and the objective of the study in a free and continuous reference-based text.

Material and methods

The characteristics of the sample will be clearly indicated, the methods used with the relevant references, so that the reading of this chapter will allow other researchers to conduct similar studies.The statistical methods should be clearly marked with the corresponding reference.


This section should include the important findings of the study, comparing them with the figures or charts that are strictly necessary and that expand the information in the text.


he results should be compared with those results reported in the literature and with the objectives and hypotheses presented in the paper. Original articles should not include the "Conclusions" section.


This section will describe the acknowledgments to individuals and institutions, as well as funding sources.


They will be presented following the uniform requirements for manuscripts submitted to biomedical journals, of the International Committee of Biomedical Journal Editors (, which can be found on the web page for-submission.html
References will be indicated by Arabic numerals consecutively and in the order they appear within the text for the first time. They shall be referred to in the text, tables and footnotes with the corresponding Arabic numerals.
In citations with more than six authors, only the first three authors should be included, followed by "et al.", after the abbreviation of the name or names of the sixth author. In the case of six or fewer authors, all of them will be included in the citation.


They must be presented in double space, numbered consecutively with Arabic numerals in the order cited within the text, with the headings at the top and the meaning of the abbreviations and the explanatory notes in the footnote.
They should be included at the end of the manuscript, after the references.

Figures or charts

Figure captions will be written in double space. The caption will contain the information necessary to correctly interpret the figure without resorting to the text. They must be referenced in the text in the appropriate order.
Regarding their quality, charts, sketches and drawings must be generated with high-resolution graphics (JPG, TIFF, EPS, PowerPoint and Illustrator).All the images have to be original. Otherwise, it must cite the original reference, and the author must obtain the prior permission of the respective publisher and, where appropriate, pay for reproduction rights.Figures will not replicate data already described in the text.
Photographs of objects will include a ruler to calibrate the reference measurements.Microphotographs should show microscopic magnification or a reference micron bar.The patient's name, face and data will not be shown in the figures.The authors should add colour illustrations that adequately adorn the text.

Review articles

Manuscripts should be 20–22 double-spaced pages, including references (max. 75 references), figures and tables. All manuscripts are peer-reviewed.

Title page

he title page should carry the full title of the paper and a «running head» of no more than 40 characters including spaces. The title page should also include the first name, middle initial and last name of each author (no more than three are accepted). If the work is to be attributed to a department or institution, its full name and location should be included. Persons listed as authors should be those who substantially contributed to the study’s conception, design, and performance. Sources of support for the work in the form of grants, equipment, or drugs should be included on the title page. Disclaimers, if any, should appear on the title page, as should the name and address of the author responsible for correspondence concerning the manuscript.

Structured abstract

The abstract should not exceed 250 words. It should state the primary objective of the review, the principal reasoning for the procedures adopted, the procedures used, the main results of the referred studies, and the conclusions that can be drawn from the data available. Numerical data may be included, but should be kept to a minimum.


The abstract should be followed by a list of 4-6 keywords or short phrases which will assist in the cross-indexing of the article. The terms used should be from the Medical Subject Headings list of the Index Medicus (


Full papers should be divided into sections at the convenience of the author, but should include an Introduction and a Conclusion.


References should be numbered consecutively in the order in which they first appear in the text. They should be assigned Arabic numerals which should be given in brackets, e.g. [17]. References should include the names of the first three authors (adding et al.) or all if there are not more than six names ( References should also include full title and source information. Journal names should be abbreviated as in the Index Medicus (
References should be not more than 75.
Personal communications and unpublished work should not be included in the reference list, but should appear in parentheses in the text. Submitted but not yet accepted work should not be cited. Work accepted for publication but not yet released should be included in the reference list with the words «in press» in parentheses beside the name of the journal. References must be verified by the author(s) against the original documents.


References to figures and tables should be made in order of appearance in the text and should be in Arabic numerals in parentheses, e.g. (Fig. 2). Figures should be professionally drawn and photographed; freehand or typewritten lettering is unacceptable. Photomicrographs must have internal scale markers. If photographs of people are used, their identities must be obscured or the picture must be accompanied by written permission of the subject to use the photograph.
If a previously published figure is used, the original source must be acknowledged and written permission for print and electronic (internet and CD-ROM) formats from the copyright holder must be submitted with the material. Permission is required regardless of authorship or publisher, except for documents in the public domain. Figures may be reduced, cropped or deleted at the discretion of the Editors.

Captions for illustrations

Captions should be typed in double spacing, beginning on a separate page. Each one should have an Arabic numeral corresponding to the illustration or table to which it refers. Internal scale should be explained and staining methods for photomicrographs should be identified.


Each table should be typed on a separate sheet in double spacing. Tables should not be submitted as photographs. Each table should be assigned an Arabic numeral, e.g. (Table 3), and a brief title.

Clinical Cases

They should include an abstract in English and Spanish (maximum 100 words) in a free format, introduction, case presentation, discussion, illustrations and references, with a maximum extension of 10 pages and following instructions to the authors.
Clinical cases will only be published in supplements and aren't includded in ordinary issues' contents.

Fees and charges

Authors are not asked to pay anything per manuscript when it is accepted for publication.


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