ISSN 1665-952X
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Submission and Style Guidelines

• When sending an article, the author commits him/herself to not simultaneously submit the article to another journal. The authors grant their permission for their article to be spread by means that are considered appropriate by the editors, be it in print or digitalised.

• The article must be unpublished and refer to the field of economics or topics related to the social sciences.

• The article should be sent in two copies, letter size, double-spaced and printed on one side only. Every page should contain between 23 and 25 lines (approximately 1600 characters) without corrections or crossings-out. The article, including its graphs, pictures and tables, must not exceed 30 pages in length. The text should be accompanied by a 15 to 20-line resume of its contents in both Spanish and English with its respective classification of the Journal of Economic Literature (JEL)

• The printing of article should be processed in Word and must be accompanied by a copy on cd-rom. The name of the file should be specified.

• All the information concerning tables, graphs and other supporting material must also be sent in print, elaborated in Excel and the spreadsheets should be included on the diskette. The supporting material should speak for itself (without the necessity to refer to the text for its understanding), should not include abbreviations, should clearly indicate the measuring units used and must include a complete list of source material.

• The graphs, illustrations and tables must be incorporated in appendices with clear page references to where they should be inserted in the article.

• The footnotes as well as the bibliography must be included in an appendix or separate section at the end of the document. All the elements in a bibliographical note must be separated by a comma and must appear in the following order: author (surname(s) and name), title (underlined), place of publication, publishing agency, date of publication, number of pages.

• At least once the meaning of all abbreviations used in the article and appendices should be explained.

• Every article should contain a title page which presents the following information:

– Complete name of the author(s) and nationality

– Short academic and professional curriculum

– Research area

– Home and office addresses and telephone numbers

– Fax number and email address

• In all cases the decision of the Editorial Committee will be final. The journal maintains the right to make the necessary editorial changes to adapt the text to the editorial policy of economíaunam

• Original copies will not be returned to the authors



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© 2013 Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Facultad de Economía
Circuito Interior s/n, Edificio B, primer piso
Ciudad Universitaria
C.P. 04510
México, Distrito Federal, México