ISSN 1665-0565
printed version


Basic information

Espiral Estudios sobre Estado y Sociedad publishes research articles on three objects of study — politics and government, social movements, and poverty and inequality—, with a critical stance and an interdisciplinary approach, and focused preferably on the area of Latin America and the Caribbean. Its objective is to make known empirical results and advances in these areas of the social sciences; as well as, to promote a debate on matters of theory and method on these issues, including discussions on the crisis, transformations, and alternatives facing current society. Espiral does not consider articles whose content is focused strictly on one discipline or about other objects of study such as history, law, education, or communication, among others. It is addressed to researchers, faculty, and graduate students interested in the above topics.

Espiral is a scientific journal accepting for possible publication only original and unpublished research articles on topics defined by its thematic scope. These texts are evaluated by specialists, under the dual blind review system. All reviewers are appointed by the Editorial Board.

Espiral is edited by the Universidad de Guadalajara, through the División de Estudios sobre Estado y Sociedad and was founded in September 1994. Published exclusively on paper from September 1994 until December 2014 and from 2015 both in paper and electronic format, under the OJS system. On this version, it has open access, and free of charge publication fees. It appears in the months of January, May and September.

Information services

• SciELO México


• Biblioteca Virtual de CLACSO

• HAPI (Hispanic American Periodicals Index)

• Red ALyC

• Sociological Abstracts

• Ulrich's


Universidad de Guadalajara

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© 2014 Universidad de Guadalajara
Calle Guanajuato #1047, Colonia La Normal
C.P. 44260,
Guadalajara, Jalisco, México