
In this Appendix we define the variables used in this paper.


A. Dependent Variables

MOVIEFREQ: Hierarchical and discrete variable, it takes the following values:

1. Never
2. Once per year
3. Two or three times per year
4. Four to eleven times per year
5. Once per month at least
6. Two or three times per month
7. Once per week at least

B. Independent Variables

GENDER: Dummy variable; it takes value one when the interviewee is a man and zero otherwise.

AGE: Continuous variable; designate the interviewee’s age.

AGE2: Continuous variable; designate the square of the interviewee’s age.



SINGLE: Dummy variable; it takes value one when the interviewee is single and zero otherwise.

SINGLEON: Dummy variable; it takes value one when the interviewee is single with children and zero otherwise.

MARRIEDOFF: Dummy variable; it takes value one when the interviewee is married without children and zero otherwise.

MARRIED18: Dummy variable; it takes value one when the interviewee is married with children older than eighteen and zero otherwise.

MARRIEDON: Dummy variable; it takes value one when the interviewee is married with children younger than eighteen and zero otherwise.

DIVORCED: Dummy variable; it takes value one when the interviewee is separated, divorced or widower without children and zero otherwise.

MARRIEDALONE: Dummy variable; it takes value one when the interviewee is married living alone because his/her children are old and zero otherwise.



CITY SIZE1: Dummy variable; it takes value one when the number of inhabitants of the city of residence is smaller than five thousands and zero otherwise.

CITY SIZE2: Dummy variable; it takes value one when the number of inhabitants of the city of residence is between five and ten thousands and zero otherwise.

CITY SIZE3: Dummy variable; it takes value one when the number of inhabitants of the city of residence is between 30 and 200 thousands and zero otherwise.

CITY SIZE4: Dummy variable; it takes value one when the number of inhabitants of the city of residence is between 200 and 500 thousands and zero otherwise.

CITY SIZE5: Dummy variable; it takes value one when the number of inhabitants of the city of residence is bigger than 500 thousands and zero otherwise.



PRIMARY: Dummy variable; it takes value one when the interviewee has elementary studies and zero otherwise.

HIGH SCHOOL: Dummy variable; it takes value one when the interviewee has intermediate studies and zero otherwise.

PROFES: Dummy variable; it takes value one when the interviewee has occupational training (FP1 and FP2) and zero otherwise.

UNIVERSITY: Dummy variable; it takes value one when the interviewee has university studies (graduate and undergraduate) and zero otherwise.

ILLITERATE: Dummy variable; it takes value one when the interviewee is illiterate and zero otherwise.



EMPLOYEE: Dummy variable; it takes value one when the interviewee is employed and zero otherwise.

RETIRED: Dummy variable; it takes value one when the interviewee is retired and zero otherwise.

UNEMPLOYED: Dummy variable; it takes value one when the interviewee is unemployed and zero otherwise.

STUDENT: Dummy variable; it takes value one when the interviewee is a student and zero otherwise.

HOUSEWIFE: Dummy variable; it takes value one when the interviewee is a housewife/househusband and zero otherwise.

OTHERS: Dummy variable; it takes value one when the interviewee belongs to other categories and zero otherwise.



NUMTV: Continuous variable; indicate the interviewee’s number of televisions.

NUMPC: Continuous variable; indicate the interviewee’s number of computers.

INTERNETHOME: Dummy variable; it takes value one when the interviewee has Internet access at home and zero otherwise.

VCR: Dummy variable; it takes value one when the interviewee has VCR or DVD player at home and zero otherwise.

TVPAY: Dummy variable; it takes value one when the interviewee has paytelevision at home and zero otherwise.

TVFREE: Dummy variable; it takes value one when the interviewee has free television at home and zero otherwise.

NUMBOOK: Continuous variable; indicate the interviewee’s number of books.



CULTUMEDIA: Dummy variable; it takes value one when the interviewee visits Web sites or listens and watchs cultural programs on television or radio and zero otherwise.

MOVIEBOOK: Dummy variable; it takes value one when the interviewee has movie books and zero otherwise.

CRITICREAD: Dummy variable; it takes value one when the interviewee reads movie critic at least once a week and zero otherwise.

MAGZINEREAD: Dummy variable; it takes value one when the interviewee reads cultural magazines and zero otherwise.

NEWSREAD: Dummy variable; it takes value one when the interviewee reads general newpapers (mainstream press and free newspapers) at leat once per week and zero otherwise.



POPMUSIC: Dummy variable; it takes value one when the interviewee attends to pop music concerts and zero otherwise.

TEATHRE: Dummy variable; it takes value one when the interviewee attends to theatre plays and zero otherwise.

BALLET: Dummy variable; it takes value one when the interviewee attends to ballet and zero otherwise.

ZARZUELA: Dummy variable; it takes value one when the interviewee attends to zarzuela and zero otherwise.

OPERA: Dummy variable; it takes value one when the interviewee attends to the opera and zero otherwise.

CLASICMUSIC: Dummy variable; it takes value one when the interviewee attends to classical music concerts and zero otherwise.



ARTFORMATION: Dummy variable; it takes value one when the interviewee follows an artistic course.

ARTPRACTICE: Dummy variable; it takes value one when the interviewee has practiced some cultural activities (photography, video, music, etc.) and zero otherwise.



TVHOURS: Continuous variable; indicate the daily hours that the interviewee watches television.

FILMTV: Dummy variable; it takes value one when the interviewee watches movies on television and zero otherwise.

THEATRETV: Dummy variable; it takes value one when the interviewee watches theatre plays on television and zero otherwise.

USEVIDEO: Dummy variable; it takes value one when the interviewee uses VCR or DVD to watch movies and zero otherwise.

RENTVIDEO: Dummy variable; it takes value one when the interviewee rents movie videos and zero otherwise.

BUYVIDEO: Dummy variable; it takes value one when the interviewee buys movie videos and zero otherwise.



PCHOURS: Continuous variable; indicate how many hours per week the interviewee uses the computer for pleasure.

WEB: Dummy variable; it takes value one when the interviewee uses the Internet for pleasure and zero otherwise.

CHATS: Dummy variable; it takes value one when the interviewee uses the chat and zero otherwise.

DOWNMUSIC: Dummy variable; it takes value one when the interviewee downloads music and zero otherwise.

BUY-E-MUSIC: Dummy variable; it takes value one when the interviewee buys music through the Internet and zero otherwise.

DOWNGAMES: Dummy variable; it takes value one when the interviewee downloads video games and zero otherwise.

SOFWAREGAME: Dummy variable; it takes value one when the interviewee has video games software and zero otherwise.