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Database : article
Search on : SIQUEIROS-BELTRONES, D.A. [Author]
References found : 3 [refine]
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 Estrada-Gutiérrez, K.M. et al. First record of Cymatodiscus planetophorus (Bacillariophyta) for littorals of NW Mexico; ecological remarks. Revista bio ciencias, 2022, vol.9. ISSN 2007-3380

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 López-Mejía, D., Siqueiros-Beltrones, D.A. and Gutiérrez-Mendieta, F. J. Benthic diatom distribution in a tropical coastal lagoon in relation to substrate and its environmental factors. Hidrobiológica, Dec 2022, vol.32, no.3, p.265-274. ISSN 0188-8897

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 Martínez-López, A., Siqueiros-Beltrones, D.A. and Silverberg, N. Transport of benthic diatoms across the continental shelf off southern Baja California Peninsula. Cienc. mar, Dec 2004, vol.30, no.4, p.503-513. ISSN 0185-3880

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